Streaming all live classes
No commitment, cancel with 8 hours notice at no charge
Use online only
Online only
These classes are currently suspended due to Govt Restrictions
40-60 minute class (depending on intensity) Can be applied to a 10 Pack
Save $50 off the per class rate. Expires 2 months after 1st visit.
Try all the classes we offer for 14 days
Take every class you can for 30 days. Start any date that works for you. no commitment to auto-renew.
Commit to our most affordable unlimited program. 6 monthly payments, and you save an additional 180. That's practically a whole month, FREE!!!
Travel a lot? Save when you are here by getting this Unlimited weekly pass. No Commitment. Expires 7 days after attending your first class.
Private instruction in Salsa, Cha Cha, Jive, Rumba, Samba and more!!!
45 minutes in private studio setting and instruction with World Famous Dance Star Giselle Peacock.
Save $100 with this 10 lesson package. Guarantees a standing reservation of the studio.
Custom choreographed 1st dance for your special day.
Includes a two months unlimited pass to all partner dance classes
This 5 week program gives you 2 lessons per week and saves you $210 off the 5 lesson rate (group classes not included)
Do you need a dance space on a regular or ad hoc basis?
Use this space for dance classes, kids classes, private lessons or functions.
Realize your full potential with personalized training that maximizes your focus and effort. Kickboxing, Kettle Bells, Barre Mastery, resistance training. Whatever your fitness goal private sessions will get you there fast.
60 minutes of one on one in a private studio. Just you, the instructor, and focused effort.
Make the commitment and not only will you see more physical benefits, you'll save $100.... that's improved financial health as well!
all prices current as of 1/9/2021